Saturday, February 18, 2012

"To live a creative life, we must loose our fear of being wrong." - Joseph Chilton Pearce

To be completely honest, we were unsure of starting this business in fear of failure. But we're getting ahead of ourselves, lets start from the beginning. Here's our story.

Growing up, we have always been close. We shared clothes, hair styles, facial expressions, and sometimes stickers.

Here's a closer look into our childhood:

We used to live in the south and, during those times, we were very into square dancing (living in the south influenced this, of course. . .). As you know, it takes two to square dance, generally a male and female. Hilary always had to dance (and dress) as the boy in the couple. Why, you might ask? Well, Hannah's head was too large (great brains) to fit into the cowboy hat. Hilary has always secretly resented Hannah for this, but, luckily, she has moved on (we'll call it that for now. . .).

As children we were also obsessed with Shania Twain and would constantly be found walking in circles singing, "Man, I feel like a woman." Yea.... we were pretty wacky back then.

I guess we haven't changed too much....

Hilary is now twenty one, and Hannah is seventeen. While we pride ourselves in our education (Hilary is a junior in college and Hannah is a senior in high school), we also like to indulge in the creative realm of things. Hilary's style is vintage, modern, and classy. Hannah's style is similar, but with a European twist. We decided to combine our styles to create original everyday pieces that would not only inspire ourselves, but inspire others. We hope that our friends, family, and others will be able to join us in noticing the small, beautiful details in life that can easily become forgotten by the hustle and bustle of every day.

Fig & Olive. No. 3 represents our journey in search of ourselves. To live. To learn. To grow. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "Life is a journey, not a destination."

Create on.


Hilary and Hannah
Fig & Olive. No. 3 Co-Owners

We welcome any comments, questions, or feedback.

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